22 May - 21 November 2021Palazzo Mora
I have been feeling this pressing need to express myself through drawing since my early
childhood. Throughout the years, this passion for drawing gave way to the outward
expression of my emotions by the means of creation.
For a while, most of my work was inspired by my environment (my family, the scenes of
Martinique cultural life).
After that, I focused on the artistic expression as a way to examine my culture, my identity.
At that point, some African references started to appear in my works.
Questioning everything, I was led by my introspection to our Amerindian legacy which,
although it is not obviously visible in everyday life, is however an undisputable part of our
My search for identity helped me both to find out all the components of my people and to
take into account the fact that I belong to a composite society. As I realized that this plural
identity was our strength and had to appear in my work, I started to pervade all aspects of
my work with it. For that purpose and in order to produce a balanced work that can be
understood on different levels, I use many supports, materials and techniques.
Some colours also have a codified role in the structure of my work:
Yellow= energy; red= strength and dignity; white= ancestors; green= family and fertility;
blue= knowledge and skills; black= memory.
Keeping in mind that I consider creation as a way to express my emotions and have fun in
the meantime, I make my composition by going from abstract art to figurative art, each one
mixing with the other, in research of harmony (I wanna have fun, and I have!)
My creation relies upon reflection, research and expression. Martinique, as a land of
diversity, is my inspiration. It was only when I learned about her history, when I was able to
see myself as I truly am, that I could communicate with the outside world. Thanks to
painting, I want to communicate with the rest of the world while I keep my origins in higher
considerations; which is due to the fact that this country, with a complex history, has a
tremendous cultural wealth to propose.
From the past years, a character appeared in my work. I called him “Marcaraïmon’ ”.
It stands for: Martinique, Caraïbes, Monde.
I claim my multiple identity through my composition with: Martinique as the roots, the
Caribbean as the trunk and the world as the branches.
I work as I live: sincerely and to the full.
I am grateful to Marcaraïmon for how he has come to me.
Christophe Mert